Wednesday 13 October 2010

Sherlock Holmes Review

Many people thought an American couldn't play Sherlock, they thought someone younger than 50 couldn't play Sherlock and they all thought wrong!

Robert Downey Junior(RDJ) brilliantly plays Sherlock Holmes the famous British detective. He's aided by his companion Dr. Watson(played by Jude Law). From the 1st minute we are introduced to the action-oriented storyline which is rare for Sherlock Holmes! The first camera angle is one that puts us in the action. This point of view intensifies the action very early on.

The lighting throughout the film was mostly natural because Sherlock spends a lot of time outdoors in the film but in the indoors scenes filler and key light(rarely) can be seen.

Sherlock is rarely outwitted throughout the whole film and to emphasise how ahead of everyone else he is, the camera slows down and RDJ gives us a running commentary about what's going on. It's a very nice touch which makes him seem even more special than he really is!

The main villain is Lord Blackwood who initially was thought dead after he was hung. But he somehow fooled Sherlock ,Watson and the audience! While Sherlock and Watson were trying to find out how Blackwood was still alive, he himself was cooking a plan to kill some of the most high profiles ministers in England.

The big finale is arguably the best part of the film as it sees Blackwood and Sherlock square off on a ledge on top of Tower Bridge. The only bad part of it was that the ending was slightly too predictable.

But overall is what a great film, although some die hard Sherlock Holmes fans may not appreciate a more action-oriented, commercial Sherlock.


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