Wednesday 6 April 2011

Opening Sequences-Cleaner

Opening conventions- The film starts off with an indent and then the credits play over the scene. The camera zooms in after every scene change. This entices the audience as there's an element of uncertainty present. The music played is initially is quite demure and morbid. Then the element of contrapuntal music is used when the jazzy tune is played.
Narrative Function-The role of Samuel L Jackson being the narrator is to describe what his is and what is basically going on. On the contrary to the job he is actually supposed to be doing(cleaning up dead bodies) his voice is quite upbeat and cheerful. It's almost as if he is very indifferent to the situation he's in. Which is a quality he needs in a job like this. The interesting part of this narration is that he's reveals as the main character at the opening sequence
Characters- There aren't many characters at all in this opening sequence. We can already see that Samuel L Jackson as the cleaner is obviously the main character. Other than him we can see the woman whose just witnessed her dead in her kitchen. After that there are cameos of dead bodies, funeral attendee etc. Then we see the flabbergasted woman at the end. Samuel L Jackson is supposed to be the narrator but we can see shots of him during the opening sequence as the cleaner. This is non-diegetic sound but at the end of the whole sequence it becomes diegetic as he starts talking to a group of people.
Film Lang- MES, Cinematography, (Light and Sound)-  Throughout the opening sequence the colours primarily used are greys, blues and blacks. These colours are not associated with happiness and positive feelings. But the music and the narrator's voice tone doesn't reflect that. There is hardly any on -screen sound and it's overshadowed by the narrator and the music. This takes the audience away from the scenes and brings the narrator closer to audience.Most of the scenes contain a lot of shadow with a little bit of light. This can emphasis the fact that it's a depressing, demure profession but this film is portraying it in a satire kind of way.
Film Lang- Movement, framing, Editing and Sound-  The camera zooms out throughout nearly every scene, showing a bit more of the surrounding with each zoom. The titles and credits appear on rooftops and on other surfaces. This makes the titles sequence more unique.

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